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Old 12-25-2005, 08:08 PM
excession excession is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 18
Default Re: Guy brags about having 3 accounts at Poker Stars

But Party aren't catering to the casuals either as they offer obviously worse bonuses than most other sites.

They only got so big in the first place by offering the best bonuses.

Now they offer the worst bonuses for 1000 hand/month players and have removed rakeback and PT datamining for the 20k hand/month players.

Their numbers will drop off and once PS overtakes them as No.1 site (give it 3 months or so) their USP is gone too..and so will their share price

Once the nos. go the reason for playing there goes too..

They are being a bit too greedy and I'm not convinced that voluntarily giving up the No.1 slot for more profit/player isn;t going to come back to haunt them pretty fast
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