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Old 12-24-2005, 08:36 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: River bluff raise, is this the right time?

I think bluff raising this river is wrong here. Especially when if he had a T and the scare card came on the turn for him (Diamond) and you bet it and he calls you and then proceeds to lead the river. Also, the river card isnt exaclty an ideal card to bluff raise on (ie. Lower than a T, possible completer for a straight, and not another diamond) You have almost no chance of making him fold in this spot.

Furthermore his stats suggest that he is a passive player and most of the time they wont be playing agressivly on the flop and then leading a river, if they plan to give up their hand.

I think you can pick MUCH better spots to bluff raise a river, then in this situation.
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