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Old 12-24-2005, 03:21 AM
OtisTheMarsupial OtisTheMarsupial is offline
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Default Re: Would You Rather...?

Monkey or elm tree? That's the best you came up with from the Would You Rather series? Nah... I remember these. They came out a few years ago, maybe 5, maybe 7... Now there is a board game. I'm betting the game is rather tame.

Let's see...
Would you rather...
have a reverse digestive track
react to any opening line of conversation by unzipping your pants?

WOuld you rather...
have teh courage of a lion by te ass of a baboon
the wisdom of an owl but the head of Epstein from Welcome Back, Kotter?

Would you rather...
live in a world where genitals tasted like candy
live in a world where a drum set magically appears at the moment of orgasm so that you may better express your ecstasy?

from WYR v.2 1999
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