Thread: 10/20 SB Hand 3
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Old 12-24-2005, 02:04 AM
ArturiusX ArturiusX is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 82
Default Re: 10/20 SB Hand 3

Let's not over-analyse this.

This is the big boys forum, and you really need to play these limits to post here. Yep, I'm being elitist, absolutely. We're here to help each other, but not to babysit. The reason why posters are taking offence is because some of your posts give completely terrible advice, and its random clutter. We're intelligent minds, and we need brainstorming sessions to be as easy to read as possible.

This is not a help forum. The help forum is microlimits, maybe SSSH. This is the elite players whom want to make the big bucks, and need to have a very elitist posting style in order to achieve that slight +EV needed to break those important BB/100 barriers.

These forums won't turn you into a good poker player, they won't teach you new concepts (except a few nice threads), and they sure as hell won't make you smarter. But what they will do is nail down small +EV decisions that creep that winrate up, and thats what these guys use it for.

So to sum it up, look at my original post of 'what are you doing here?'. I'll tell you now, you're in the wrong place, what you need isn't what you'll find here. Everyone here will tell you that.

Posting does not make you a good player ever.
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