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Old 12-24-2005, 01:20 AM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Stormfront Forum Short Perusal Report

OK, so I just went over and browsed the Stormfront forums.

Altogether, the forums struck me as pretty boring and somewhat depressing. There appeared to be a range of posters, from the radical to the mundane. I don't think most of them were as far out as Neo-Nazis, but I would suppose most of them are racists.

They seem to be trying to put a different tack on things, to appeal to the average schmoe who won't go for goose-stepping or white robes: sort of a white-pride separatist tack, rather than an "anti" to others. That is, focus is much more on "pro-white", rather than on "anti-black" (for instance). And I got the impression that this was a genuine thrust as well, for many of the members,

All in all, like I said: rather boring and depressing. It was disappointing that the site itself seemed to be only a forum, and did not have an "About Us" or "Our Principles" page, as things like that were only addressed within the forums.

By the way, I don't see anything wrong with Fox Carolina doing a report on the group--after all, various news media have done reports or exposes on groups like the KKK and the Nation of Islam, too, as well as on more innocuous groups--but I do think the report should have had more outside objective assessments and verifiable information, rather than mostly just reporting on what members had to say about themselves and the group. And yes, I did get the feeling, as mentioned before, that the Fox Carolina report seemed a tad "inviting" perhaps, especially at the end where it was cut off.

All in all, I don't think most of those guys are like full-blown KKKers or Neo-Nazis, though some probably are: my impression is that their average member is sort of a "lite" version, is a race or cultural supremacist who believes in the white race and European heritage and culture--and may wish to even secede or something like that, in order to have a "pure" region or country to live in. Some also believe in eugenics.

Well, that's the trip report.
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