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Old 11-27-2003, 02:34 AM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Re: Homosexuality, Homophobia and Evlolution

"You are offering it as a conjecture for the reason for high AIDs in Africa. Back it up please, or i will continue to right it off as another example of your bigotted viewpoints."

Write it off, then--I'm just telling you what I've read. Could be what I've read is wrong or out of date, too. Also, I don't have any bigoted viewpoints--I just try to look at the facts, the way things are--rather than how I think things are supposed to be. Some people prefer to start with how they think things are supposed to be...but that is the common path to delusion.

"Brad and you need to get over your homophobia and understand that AIDS is an equal opportunity killer."

I'm not homophobic nor have I written anything to indicate homophobic views. If you think I have, perhaps you should try re-reading what I've written with an open mind, and try taking things more literally.

Also, obviously AIDS is an equal opportunity killer, but certain behaviors carry higher risks. Also, when talking about averages, certain groups are higher risk groups for AIDS. Get over being offended and just deal with the facts please.
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