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Old 12-23-2005, 06:49 PM
livinitup0 livinitup0 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
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Default Re: What should I do for a living?

Good point....very well put together, seriously.

I'm still sticking to my guns and saying that there are far too many people (some in this thread) that took or are taking college for granted. I was just making that point. I understand your point but cannot relate to it. If I was able to college now, I really would care less about anything other than my degree. I don't know, maybe im just more of a realist I guess, there's nothing wrong with either side, heck live it up in college, do what you want...but I think everyone "given" (literally) the chance to do so should be appreciative and humble. If I see one more "Im 21 and going to quit college that my parents pay for to play poker" posts (not that this is one, but it adds to my point) I will literally puke.
I just know how hard the job market is if you are on your own, degreeless, and I'm going to respect someone a lot more for something they worked their ass for, and dedicated their whole life to one decisive thing...rather than someone finishing an ivey league school who still doesnt know what they want to do when they grow up, (after spending way too much money)and posting life-decision questions on a gambling forum.
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