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Old 12-23-2005, 04:20 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: dear God when will it end?


You keep talking in circles. You say they shouldnt beg for it. I say they're not, people want to give it. You say, hey, they shouldnt beg for it. If you don't want to tip, no one's saying you have to tip a barista. Or a bartender. Or even a waitress - though, that would make you an ass.

But if you were working a $7/hr job, I don't think you'd be looking down on an extra 20%, simply by putting a cup on a counter. Maybe you would. Maybe your morals are just that strong, and your view of it as begging is just that solid. At least you're consistent.

But I don't think you'd turn it down. Its easy to look down on it, and call it begging, from afar. I don't even think twice about it, and neither do 95% of our customers. The rest - like you - probably don't go to Starbucks enough to matter. Who wants $5 coffee anyway, right?

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