Thread: Vodka
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Old 12-23-2005, 02:32 PM
Sponger15SB Sponger15SB is offline
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Default Re: Vodka

Differences in taste between brands

Many vodka consumers claim they can tell a difference in taste between different brands. To test this ability the ABC News program 20/20 [1] conducted a non-scientific survey of 6 individuals aged 21-40 who sampled 6 different brands of vodka. There were 5 different super premium vodkas ($30-$60, 750ml, 2005) and a mid-priced vodka, Smirnoff ($13, 750ml, 2005). At the beginning of the survey the participants were asked to name their favorite vodka brand; four individuals chose Grey Goose ($30, 750ml, 2005). After sampling each of unmarked vodka samples "straight up", five of the six testers chose the same vodka as their least favorite sample. They were all surprised to discover that they had selected Grey Goose. When the 6 brands were mixed into a cosmopolitan mixed drink (3 parts vodka, 1 part triple sec, 1 part lime juice, & 1 part cranberry juice) they were mostly unable to differentiate between the brands. The suggestion was made to select the 'house' or inexpensive vodka next time one orders a vodka based drink. In another recent blind tasting done by New York Times food and drinks critics, classic Smirnoff topped the list; second and third were vodkas from Poland.
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