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Old 12-23-2005, 02:16 PM
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Default Re: Fox News does a fluff piece promoting a white supremisist website

To say fox news and fox affiliates are completely isolated idealogically is a naive statement.

A part of the excellent documentry 'Out Foxed' tells the story of a local affiliate that was brow beat into running negative stories about democrats. They had to run entire pieces unedited that took pot shots at respected policital figures.

So that is not a hasty generalization. The culture of Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch is pervasive. Look at the Katrina coverage or the constant bashing of black leaders.

A CBS or ABC affiliate would never run garbage like this.

The vast majority of Fox News viewers are racist and saying "i have a lot of black friends" does not mean you cant be a bigot.
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