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Old 12-23-2005, 10:33 AM
winky51 winky51 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 122
Default Re: Poker: What\'s so difficult about it???

Poker is easy to learn and very difficult to master. There are many things to consider when playing.

Here we go...
The math: easy enough to learn but even at some points it gets difficult when its borderline and you have to compare pot odds with hand probabilities
Reading the opponent: taking notes, remembering his style
Keeping your head on straight: especially during losing sessions.
Focus: knowing how to play what and at which time.
Tells: discovering weaknesses in your opponents and signs that give away their hands.
Know thy self: so you know your limits.

Not too many catagories and I know I missed some but these fields are very deep. I started thinking that poker was easy and 2 year later I can't believe how much I know... I and know nothing. Poker is also about turning marginal situations into profitable ones. Difference between a break even player and a 2 BB per hour player? 2 BBs. That can be just one hand, one bluff, one call per hour. You are making tons of decisions based on all this.
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