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Old 12-23-2005, 10:26 AM
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Default Re: Why did Jesus have to die?

The reason why people respond when their God is put on trial is because to these people(myself included), you are saying a lot of things that are untrue about the God who we rely on to be saved. It is personal.
One thing I don't like is, atheists putting a lot of words together to sound intellectual. The goal of sharing one's point of view, should be speaking as simply as possible while retaining the truthfulness and wholeness of the view. Not dumbing it down, but speaking so people can understand, not just those in you inner circle of big brainers.

The things that are untrue are things like, that I would look down on you. Jesus commands us not to see myself more highly than I ought, but to see myself with sober judgement(not lesser than I ought). Maturity in christians should display itself in love for others, when asked, Jesus said the greatest commands were to "Love God" and "Love people".
I think that if the teachings of Jesus such as these, were removed form the world it would make it a much worse place to live. In response to --"That there would only be rape, murder and other mayhem if they were not kept in check by their religion."

I think maturity is a goal that God wants us to accomplish, taking the focus off our selves(a baby, completely dependant, can only recieve) to others(Jesus Christ, freely gives unselfishly).
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