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Old 12-23-2005, 03:42 AM
GuyOnTilt GuyOnTilt is offline
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Default Re: dear God when will it end?

Meh. If you don't want to tip, then don't. But why so upset at having it there for people who do want to tip?

FWIW, I almost never tip at coffee shops. If the girl at the counter is especially cute I might. If I paid cash, I always leave my change on the countertop for the next person (same with fast food before I gave it up and grocery stores and stuff). Funny thing, yesterday at the coffee shop right outside Nordstrom I put my change on the counter (some really rando amount like $.72 or something) and walked over to pick up my drip. Like 15 seconds later as I was walking away to join some friends who already had a table, the 30'ish year old lady who was behind me in line yells at me in excitement to tell me I left her the exact change she needed. She seemed really over-excited by it which made me smile.

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