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Old 12-23-2005, 03:24 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Seems like you guys spend more time talking about money than poker

Hank Dank,

Thank you, I can understand your curiosity with figuring out the best ways to cover your assests when it comes to taxes. That's a problem I don't have yet. My main focus is on poker and improving.

I've never been to concerned with money. I have a little bit, enough to get by, that's about all I care about. I never been very materialistic. I don't drive a nice car, don't have too many nice things. I enjoy winning, I like to win, I'm a very competitive person. I guess I was just venting a little bit because I was looking for good posts on poker topics that would make me think about poker and most of what I saw on here was about taxes.

I didn't know I'd create this firestorm or upset so many people. I was hoping to challenge everyone to think about poker more, that's all. If I am as one player put it a "Fish" than here is an opportunity for ya'll to have a wide open look into my mind and see exactly what I'm thinking when I play, I've went in the last 3 months from anytime I have a pocket pair I'm raising and raising big to just calling with anything Jacks or lower, to now raising with Jacks on occasion, to All in with Aces, to now just standard raises, from playing hands because I thought they were "lucky" to playing the starting hands according to a few starting hand guides I've found. To now I mix it up and bluff on occasion. I mean you might find some rich guy that doesn't know too much about poker sitting at your table one day, and he could be playing alot like I've been playing or play now and you'd have a deeper insight into that play, if this were a more open forum for discussion, than the place to hurl insults that it's quickly become.

I mean I just broke my hand tonight at work which will no doubt effect my income and I gotta come home and the first thing I read on here, is two insults. Nice!

Hopefully though, Hank Dank myself and you and others can just talk poker and everybody's game will benefit.
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