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Old 12-23-2005, 01:05 AM
KenProspero KenProspero is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 123
Default Re: Berating Weak Players At The Poker Table

I had a similar situation in a $2-4 B&M game. There was a know-it-all, who was analyzing everyone's moves.

After an hour or so, I got him in a pretty big pot (maybe 12 BB on the turn) He bet, and all I had was a gutshot draw, but with the pot odds, it was a clear call. Anywho, of course I sucked out (had the nuts) and dented pretty bad his stack when he wouldn't give up on the pot on the river. When he saw my cards -- Vesuvius erupts -- he's on my tail thereafter (which is major +ev, since I'm getting everyone's sympathy and throwing him on tilt).

A short while later after his chips had become my chips, I couldn't help myself and said -- "You know, if you're as good as you think you are, you wouldn't be playing $2-4", which set off the Volcano again. The ultimate justice then occurred as the poker room manager called the gendarmes to escort him from the casino.
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