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Old 12-23-2005, 12:06 AM
tylerdurden tylerdurden is offline
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Default Re: Civil War arguments

I didn't say that people want force used on them, but that people will use force against others out of necessity. I would contend that human nature is the same as every other animal and plant in the world. The most important thing to something that is living, is to preserve itself. Look at the animals in the wild, they kill each other constantly because they feel that it would be better for them. I look out my window, and I see ducks that live in a large group, fight all the time because of food and sex.

I agree that it is in our interests to not kill each other, but without anything to prevent us, we will. You say that the majority will punish the minority that uses force, but they will do so by using force.

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What you fail to note is the difference between *initiation* of the use of force and the use of force *in response* to force.

An agreement to not use force, and punish those that do, is government.

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No. Government *REQUIRES* the use of (unprovoked) force.
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