Thread: Notetaking
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Old 12-22-2005, 10:30 PM
Leptyne Leptyne is offline
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Default Re: Notetaking

I do it just like you do. When a player pops up with notes I refresh my mind. I may have to take several peeks. If I find his style has changed then my notes will change. Garland taught me to keep notes of CB and both pre- and post flop minraises. I only play one table so its not hard for me to keep up.

My first note on every player looks like this:


Translated this is $600 6-Max. LP-A speaks for itself. The D means this type of player is a donator. The last stat is a Loser at 700 hands. I use GT+ so it takes a new player a couple of hands to pop up, and I found that sometimes I need to know NOW! If there is a big jump in the hands played since I last noted then it's up to me to pay attention. That's the best I've got.

Good notes are better than none, unless their wrong.

I think another point to keep in mind is that there are players keeping notes on us. Confusion to thine enemies.

There are some obvious gaffs that one doesn't make using PT. I note these people don't use it.
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