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Old 11-26-2003, 03:26 PM
AmericanAirlines AmericanAirlines is offline
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Default Re: Playing perfect poker with the cards face up

Hi Daryn,
I'd like to add to that, "Knowing your Opponents".

Granted, not required if we assume in the face up game that all the opponents have exactly the same knowledge base.

Assuming they don't have the same base, seems to me the real issues are:

1. Where do I stand?
Here I see a 4 part table assuming the following two attributes:

A. Where am I now - "Leader, Follower"
B. What's the outlook - "Favorite, Dog"

So you have :

Leader, Favorite
Leader, Dog
Follower, Favorite
Follower, Dog

Knowing this will dictate what you *want* to happen. And determining this is the math part.

For the face up game, this could be tabularized (a large table indeed for all matchups from heads up to full table!)

Perhaps this table could be condensed to a set of useful rules so you don't have to clog your head with thoughts like, "I have 10 outs but he has 5 and two of his are mine and will make him win so I really have 8 outs..."

2. Given my opponents playing habits what's the most profitable move?

Once you know (1) now you have to figure out what to do with that information in light of the

For example, you may be Follower,Dog... but you know your opponent will fold to a raise. So you raise rather than fold.

On the other hand, given the same opponent, and you are Leader,Favorite... you might just bet or call. I.E. slow play the opponent.

Now moving back face down game... you have to add in that you're going to estimate your opponents' holdings. I guess therein lies the art.

But it would be nice to have that tractible set of "rules" or magic odds of winning.

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