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Old 12-22-2005, 07:26 PM
AKQJ10 AKQJ10 is offline
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Default Re: He just won\'t call


On the otherhand, if they call you and get aggresive when they hit their hands... just value bet relentlessly.

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Where is this guy playing? In a zoo, with monkies? If a tight player gets aggressive with his "made hand", you're not value betting your hand, you're throwing your money away. You'd better have the nuts here, or damn close!

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My understanding of Pokher's post, which is not necessarily the correct understanding, is that it meant to value bet your hand before they complete their draw. A truly tight player isn't going to overpay to see his draw through to the river, though, so I'm not sure that value betting is going to produce that many bad calls (which is what you're hoping for). It is going to deny the tight player proper odds, though, which is more important than getting a (now correct!) call.

Certainly value betting after the tight player makes a hand is fruitless without a better hand, so if that's what Pokher meant, I agree that it's nonsense.

And regardless, I agree with those who've opined that against a table of weak-tight players you want to bluff selectively, both preflop (when bluffing goes under the special name "blind stealing") and postflop. However, beginners really shouldn't remain at such a table. I still consider myself too inexperienced to really be comfortable in such a game, although the Absolute $1/2 LHE and at times even the 10c-25c NLHE tables are good practice for playing in tight games without losing a lot of capital.
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