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Old 12-22-2005, 03:11 PM
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Default Re: What do married couples talk about?

I have noticed that my wife and I do a ton of conversation that involves scheduling around the children, and figuring out when we can plan our next quickie, but that's hardly everything.

I think most of the people who have the "wife and I never talk syndrome" are because they have a wife who is a stay at home mom who does not persue other interests. As such... she honestly doesn't have much to talk about. When I was younger I was a huge believer that my wife needed to have a career before I married her. It meant she was driven, she was capable of living her own life, and we would always have something to talk about. Honestly, 30 minutes to an hour a day are taken up by "what did you do today at work" as we relate stories back and forth, and I even get to do the occasional Chris Rock 'Bitch is crazy!' which is funny, especially since she gets it.

Communication comes from having something to talk about. Too often, couples stop developing as individuals, as run out of things to share.

Just my 2 cents.

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