Thread: Older Women
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Old 12-22-2005, 03:10 PM
LearnedfromTV LearnedfromTV is offline
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Default Re: Older Women

Don't post much here but this one's in my wheelhouse. I'm 25, my girlfriend of over a year is 30 (but looks about my age. She gets carded more than I do). Second time I've dated an older woman (21/27), though this one is much more serious.

If you're into this for sex, my experience is that the stereotype is true. Knock yourself out, but bring it, or don't be surprised if she gets tired of you.

If it gets serious, there are plusses and minuses. For me, way more plusses, but you may be different. My girl is one of the smartest I've ever known, and is very successful. I have more to talk about with her than the average girl my age or younger, and some of that has to do with age/experience. We have similar life goals. (She also digs the game we shall not mention.) The flip side is that there's no denying I'm an adult now. The biological clock is real, even if she doesn't want it to be, there's a built-in family-making horizon that you have to deal with.

You asked what you'd expect out of an older women before you'd date her (I assume you mean date seriously when you ask this). Don't think of it that way, just find out if you enjoy being with her. The only thing I'd "expect" is that she has done something worthwhile/learned something worthwhile from the extra years she's been alive. But that would apply just as much if you were both 31.

Hope this helps
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