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Old 12-22-2005, 01:46 PM
mrbaseball mrbaseball is offline
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Default Re: Fire Jim Hendry plz

Yeah and Dusty too! Cubs/Sox smacktalk isn't even any fun anymore. The Cubs fans can't even disagree that they suck and all they can do is shake their heads and agree.

From a serious standpoint the Cubs should back up the truck and start over. Move Prior, Zambrano, Lee and Rameriez and accumulate every decent prospect on the planet. In a few years they may be okay. As it is they will suck this year, next year and maybe every year for ANOTHER 100 or so.

They are rich and will continue to draw while rebuilding and if ever there was a team in position to rebuild they are with their fan base. But with Hendry and Baker they will never ever go anywhere except possibly the middle of the pack if they catch some breaks.
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