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Old 12-22-2005, 01:19 PM
BigDave BigDave is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 39
Default Re: Sng\'s and Bluffing

Like most things, it all depends.

I usually find myself doing things like when I am running good, convinced that I am gods gift and can run over the table with fancy plays like this. Under perfect circumstances, these plays will work well. Reads (PT data) are very important. Early on, how good of a read can you really have? Early on, is it worth it to risk almost a quarter of your stack to pickup even 200 chips? I say no.

In general, I don't feel it is worth the risk early on in a 800 chip tourney. In fact, I feel that I find myself trapping early on more then bluffing early on to catch people trying to do these very moves. Especially if we are talking about 1 or 2 opponents. Not that I trap every time, just that I trap way more then I bluff in the early stages.

The difference between having ~1000 chips versus ~800 chips in the early stages in insignificant to me. The difference between having ~700 when 25/50 comes around versus ~500 is huge to me.

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