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Old 12-22-2005, 11:28 AM
CarlosChadha CarlosChadha is offline
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Default Re: My thoughts


You also brought up a valid point about being behind on fifth if called. I actually would be worried in a tough game, perhaps the shorthanded 30-60 you play in on stars, but in this game I think I dont have as much to fear. Thnaks again for the analysis, Carlos. It helps to know what you think about this hand.

[/ QUOTE ]

Tough players don't open limp with a live an Ace up short handed unless they are rolled or occasionally slowplaying split As, but this is so rare that I think this entire discussion is only valid when talking about average or bad players.

The worse (or in other words more passive) the player the MORE worried about being behind after getting called on 5th I am. Bad players tend to limp with any pair just to reduce their risk if they lose (when the pair is small) or as a slowplay when the pair is big. After getting raised by your rag board twice in a row they might think that you have trips and check to you on 6th with a hand as stong as As up. (Yes, this is dumb of them to slowplay and then get scared, but that is what a lot of people do).

Your comment makes me think that you are making a general mistake that I sometimes make: continuing aggression on several sts. when I have a very marginal hand vs a bad player just because they act weak by checking to me. Bad players offer free cards often times when they are ahead and you are not taking advantage of this if you go overboard with marginally hands.

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