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Old 12-22-2005, 11:04 AM
jhall23 jhall23 is offline
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Posts: 340
Default Re: AA against major lag

Your LRR amount sucks. Your defining your hand out of position at a decent price. Maybe this guy won't be able to take advantage of that, but even most donks know what a limp-reraise means. If you are going to do this make it like 25. 20 is a pot sized raise here, but your OOP and against someone who calls way to much. Charge him a premium to play. When these guys run good, which the 224 stack implies they'll still call for 25.

And no I wouldn't put him on a 9. How could you do that? You bet before he had a chance to react to the 2nd 9. Against a 70/30 you can't just assume that they have whatever hand crushes you at any given point.

Post flop, I don't know. How does the guy play. If he is crazy post flop I might just c/r all in on the flop. Otherwise bet flop bet turn as you did. Playing guys like this is high variance, but your overlay is huge. A big pair like AA is worth a 100bb stack in most situations.
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