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Old 12-21-2005, 06:53 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Schools, consent forms and volunteering

I'm not sure the exact laws in MN, but when I was a teacher in MA:
1) Anyone spending time with the students (like a chaperone for a field trip) had to have CORY report, which was basically the police checking up on your background to ensure that the bodies buried in your backyard are over the age of consent

2) Forming a club required permission of the principal and a teacher as a sponsor. Going on a field trip required parental consent forms and filing paperwork at city hall.

3) What you're proposing has a chance of working if you start it as a juggling club, and then do a demonstration with lit torches or whatever for the kids. When specific kids are ready, you *might* be able to get them to do it after getting permission just from the specific children that have hte ability- the kids will be asking their parents for permission every 30 seconds.

4) basically, schools = paperwork nightmares
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