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Old 12-21-2005, 05:01 PM
Kyriefurro Kyriefurro is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 70
Default Re: This makes me feel gross, but feels right.

Hero covers the table if that matters. Image is TAG.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think the point that Beavens and I are both trying to make is this: WHY is villain pushing like this? The answer to this question will tell you whether you can/should call or not. It may be that villain is trying to push you out of the hand, in which case you want to call. It may be that villain has a premium hand like AA, in which case you need to run. The problem, of course, is that you can never know for sure what villain actually wants, so you have to make an educated guess. The more information you consider, the more accurate your guess is likely to be.

The bottom line is that QQ is a pretty solid hand. All things being equal, the decision of whether to call or not is almost a coinflip. You're ahead of most pairs, behind AA and KK and 50/50ish against AK. The only way to make this decision is based on your reads - what your opponent is like, what your play has been like, what the rest of the table's been like, etc.

To be honest, I don't think any of us can tell you how you should have played this hand, at least not with any certainty. We weren't there and we don't have enough information. Knowing that villain's stack covers the table isn't enough, knowing that your image is TAG isn't enough. There are just way too many variables.

All we can do is point out the things that we would have tried to consider when playing this hand.
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