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Old 11-25-2003, 07:52 PM
CORed CORed is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
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Default Re: Does the emperor know what is going on ...

No, I did not miss it. Yes, we needed to go into Afghanistan and root out Al Queda and the Taliban. (Which Bush and Company did a half-assed job of.) No, we did not need the Patriot act. We do not need to give the government the power to imprison American citizens without due process because somebody in the administration says they're "enemy combatants" and we certainly didn't need an invasion and occupation of Iraq which will likely end with America pulling out and the Baath Party (if not Sadaam Hussein himself) returning to power.

I'm going to admit to someting I'm now rather ashamed of. I voted for Bush. It is not a mistake I will repeat, though.

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