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Old 12-21-2005, 04:21 PM
benfranklin benfranklin is offline
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Posts: 155
Default Re: Walking the Picket Line

Most unions vote on proposals and conditions. It isn't renegade union leaders, the workers probably support it as well.

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My experience, including working several union jobs, is that union leaders keep their members in the dark and only ask them to ratify a contract after the fact.

A major issue in this strike appears to be union opposition to a two-tier contract, with future new employees getting different (i.e., lesser) benefits than anyone now working. Why would any rank and file member care if that kind of concession is needed to keep his wages and benefits? The new workers come in knowing what the deal is, and can take it or leave it.

Just like the current workers came in knowing that it was illegal for them to strike, and that they would be fined if they did.
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