Thread: 7 Card Help
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Old 12-21-2005, 02:46 PM
MRBAA MRBAA is offline
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Default Re: 7 Card Help

Ah grasshopper, but ask yourself this: what KIND of player wants to play in a no ante game? What KIND of player wants to play in an overante game.

An old rock with a newspaper and a cup of coffee who wants to kill some time thinks no ante is great.

A loose aggressive who wants to get in and gamble may get gutted once or twice, but he won't like the action.

Put on that overante and now the old rock hates the game while the LAG loves it. He can build big pots, make some big scores and, most important, get plenty of action. Meanwhile, you can start stronger, play better and win much, much more than your share.

I think sitting bull has done well in low limit no ante games, but I think there are dam few who do, when you combine the nittiness and small pots with the big rake. Whereas the low limit 1-5 at Fox with the .50 ante is a great, rocking game (or was the last time I played in it).
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