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Old 12-21-2005, 02:28 PM
zipo zipo is offline
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Default Re: Big, Fat Reality Check

>>The terrorists have that determination and so should we as far as making temporary exceptions regarding some personal liberties<<

The problem here is the 'slippery slope'.

The Executive already has the power to use the NSA for domestic spying purposes. There is a check on this power, the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Prior approval from this court is not necessary - it can be granted 'after the fact'.

So, if Bush can use the NSA, and does not currently need prior approval to use it (negating the argument that he needs this power to 'move quickly'), why cut this check on executive power out of the loop? Honestly, this just doesn't pass the smell test.

Put that together with recent revelations that the FBI is using precious assets and personnel to spy on vegans, Quakers, and Greenpeace members instead of islamic terrorists, and connect the dots.

The war on islamic terror is real. It is also a fact that the executive is taking advantage of this reality to greatly expand their powers in areas unrelated to the war on terror.

We need to keep paying attention.
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