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Old 11-25-2003, 05:39 PM
AmericanAirlines AmericanAirlines is offline
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Default Re: Whoah There, Nelly

Hi Eastbay,
I'd say I'm facing the unpleasant reality. That the table has been tilted by the rich for the rich. Mainly by the families that got big during the early industrial revolution.

However, whenever I suggest that just maybe the game is rigged and that there must be a better way, everyones feathers seem to get ruffled and lots of defenses of capitalism... often laced somehow with the idea that "democracy = capitalism" ... seem to emerge.

Yet, as I see it, any thinking person who's worked hard most of thier life and still stuck in middle-classdom or worse can easily see that the BS we've been fed most of our lives is just that BS.

Recent Wall Street debacles should serve to illustrate the point nicely.

Don't get me wrong, I'd like to be mega-rich too. Obviously.

But show me one fast way to do that, that at the same time doesn't involve cheating, game playing, @ss kissing, doesn't suck etc. and doesn't involve luck. I.E. you can plan on it working.

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