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Old 12-21-2005, 11:39 AM
etgryphon etgryphon is offline
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Default Re: Bush\'s Support Jumps After a Long Decline


I'm in full agreement with you that Bush is looking like he lied and was not forthcoming on this wiretapping issue. I do think that it is suspect that he never went to the FISA court even after the fact which the law allows.

..with that being said...

The Democratic Party does not have a plan for Iraw or the GWOT. If they do it isn't very clear, feasible, very agreed upon or they are doing a poor job getting the message out.

Don't be disengenuous like Bush on this matter. It is a real weakness on the part of the Dems. They need to man up and come up with a coherent plan.

Hammer away at this wiretapping thing... It has real traction. Bush is looking pretty poor in my eyes about this. And don't start bringing in stupid conspiracy theories about Bush listening in on Kerry. It really is a distraction and outlandish and hurts your case.


PS: Still wouldn't have voted for Kerry...
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