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Old 12-21-2005, 10:03 AM
winky51 winky51 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 122
Default Re: Live mutlis, poor players, deviation, taking chances

Nope. Thats why I stopped pushing early in the tournament. And yes they suck that bad. I'm basing 90% on what I have seen. When I get to the final tables of these events there are probably 1-2 players that I feel are better than me. The others are slightly under (they dont think deep enough) or they got there on luck.

You gotta remember this is the indian casino in Fort Lauderdale. I have maybe met 5 good players at the 1/2 in the last 2 years of playing the 1/2 in these places. So many times I just get a table full of fish in these tournaments. about 60% of the time I have 1-2 decent players and 1-2 good players around my skills, maybe higher or lower. Hey I didn't say I was the best or real real good. I just know I am better than most where I play. I had to adjust to them and I am still learning a lot but man these guys are goofy. I am always watching every hand even when I am not in the hand to see if I can analyze the play. Many times what seems obvious to me is oblivious to these players (like when they are beat and still shove their chips in).

Let me put it to you this way. If all you guys in this post played in these tournaments I KNOW you all would cash constantly and you all are better than I am. Its a pretty juicy tournament.
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