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Old 12-21-2005, 08:48 AM
stlip stlip is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 87
Default Re: full ring vs. 6-max

After everything i've read the past few months I think, preferences aside, it boils down to this:

Six max is more profitable for good players. Some of us are not good players, and haven't yet realized it. I think the player skill continuum looks something like this:

- Awful
- Poor
- Mediocre
- Average
- Good
- Very Good
- Excellent
- BK/Schneids, etc.
- Supreme Poker Being

I think it breaks down such that Goods are winners at 1/2-2/4, VGs are winners at 3/6-5/10, Excels at 10/20-20/40, BKeids at 30/60+ (but not all levels), and SPBs at any level.

Once you reach Good, the full ring and 6max games are such that, combined with your talent, there's more profit to be had playing shorthanded.

I play full ring, b/c i'm a mediocre player.

[/ QUOTE ]

During a bad run of cards 6 max can make you feel stupid in ways that full ring rarely, if ever, does. You tend to play more marginal cards in the blinds and late position. And you often need to call down against aggressive or crazy opponents with the thinnest of value. So when cards are missing you, you don't just sit quietly and stay out of trouble as you do in full ring, you get in, mix it up and find yourself in the middle of strange pots with nowhere near the quality of cards you're used to having.
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