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Old 12-21-2005, 05:43 AM
craig r craig r is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: san diego
Posts: 84
Default Re: Johnny Damon signs with Yankees


since you have 3000 posts, it will be best if you ask Mason, ok? if he messeges me that the $1000 bet is a deal, i'll paypal him $1000.

if yankees win more regular season games than red sox. i win

if red sox win more regular season games than yankees, then u win.

if they win the same amount, then we get our $ back.

[/ QUOTE ]

1) Why does it have to be mason?
2) Why do you think he would hold the money? It is too risky for him. If anything went wrong he wouldn't want a bad mark like that on 2+2.
3) Here are the people, I would feel comfortable holding the money and who I think would: Sublime, Dynasty, DougOzzzz, ThatPFunk (sp?), and Clarkmeister.

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