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Old 12-21-2005, 01:51 AM
TeeJayORTj TeeJayORTj is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: I just like the hat above
Posts: 88
Default Re: Think back to when you were in High School

I had a pretty serious GF in HS, and I had a hatchback kind of car (an '89 Ford Probe), so you could swing the seats down in the back.

So, me and the GF would go out "for a snack" or whatever, and then we would drive to this industrial park, park in between two idle trucks, blast the heat for a couple minutes, flip the back seat down and get to it. It was actually pretty hot.

In warmer months, we would do a lot of stuff outside. This country club near us had a pool, so we would sneak in there for some skinny dipping . . . we also did a lot of stuff in parks, golf courses, etc.

Looking back, that was so fun, because in addition to being in all kind of different places, you had the added benefit of the "danger" of getting caught (by police, not just the parents).

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I had an '89 Ford Probe too...that car sucked. Damn tranny blew at a little over 80K miles and I only had 3rd gear. I still managed to put another 6K miles on it.

And there was certinly a lot of sleeping with the HS Girlfriend in that car. Sometimes the way you described but usually just the front seat. One time we were at a park and some cop/ranger came over knocked on the windows (It was the evening maybe 7pm) and told us "This is a family park"...that was awesome.
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