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Old 12-20-2005, 06:48 PM
John W John W is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 27
Default Re: 99 preflop decision $100r

Of course you do. But so may players will make the standard continuation bet with a good ace hoping that the flop didn't help you and try and take down the pot with a strong bet. This might sound a little crazy but if you dont want to move in, a mini raise to 6k will get the information you need, if he moves in you can elect to save your last 7k, but you are putting the maxium pressure on him without risking your tourney esentially you are telling him that you are commited, but you are really not. If you look at the math it doesn't look right but you are still in the tourney with time to rebuild. Most won't agree with this line of play but most will go bust in this spot.
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