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Old 12-20-2005, 05:14 PM
HopeydaFish HopeydaFish is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 151
Default Re: Most disgusting thing you\'ve ever seen someone do in a public rest

That teacher got what she deserved. Stories about teachers not letting kids use the washroom have always aggravated me.

I have a similar story, except that this one wasn't the teacher's fault. In my grade 5 class, a girl was standing at the front of the class making a presentation when suddenly a horrible smell started wafting throughout the room. Everyone started making comments about it and the girl got a horrified look on her face, but she didn't move from the front of class. The teacher finally asked her if she needed to go to the washroom and the girl replied that she did. However, when she started to walk away, a chunk of wet sh!t came rolling out of her pant leg and onto the floor. She had filled her pants while giving her presentation.
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