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Old 12-20-2005, 12:48 PM
wacki wacki is offline
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Default Re: Controversy over symbols and racism .


and El D is exactly right! the majority of people who fly confederate flags are not doing it b/c of 'heritage' or whatever.

just b/c some well meaning people do doesn't mean the majority don't.

for the thousandth time: flying the conf. flag did not become popular until the Civil Rights movements. if the flag really stood for heritage, this would not be the case.

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Kneel, I've never really noticed your posts before, but you'ev been remarkably right int his thread. Challah!

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Man, is that why the emblem got put on so many states flags in 1894? Because of the civil rights movement in the 1950's and 1960's? Wow, I got totally owned here.

BTW, it's obvious that the flag grew in popularity in the 1950's but to say it wasn't popular before is just ridiculous.
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