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Old 12-20-2005, 12:13 PM
wacki wacki is offline
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Default Re: Controversy over symbols and racism .

Sorry wacki, but you absolutely suck in this thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well Evan has argued that the symbolism has changed over time and that it now stands for racism. At the same time people in this thread have refused to accept that the symbol might actually mean something to others than rebelling against the north and slavery. People refuse to believe that to some people it might mean state pride, states rights, and those people don't intend to start another civil war.

So I posted pics of the General Lee and black people holding the flag. All the people who claim the flag is only displayed by inbred racists **cough *** Evan and friends ***cough*** have refused to aknowledge the fact that those black people see the flag symbolizing something else.

I find that amazing.

Then clarkmeister jumps in and says something completely unrelated to my original flag=hate symbol post and everyone here and on IRC sucks his balls. He then says something historically inaccurate and people suck his balls even harder.

Well since you guys are only listening to 2+2 icons and I've lost all credibility. I will only ask you to look at the picks I posted once more and then read this El Diablo quote:

I long ago tried to stop worrying about words and just focus on people's intentions. If you take a little time to react less impulsively in these situations and try to look beyond the words, perhaps you'll develop a greater understanding and appreciation of who's really bigoted and who isn't.

He was talking about something else, but I still think it's relevant.

Here is a Blarg quote:

The truth is, doing it any other way just unnecessarily injects your own personal bad feelings into situations where they don't belong, and says nothing about anybody but you.
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