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Old 12-20-2005, 08:48 AM
Kaeser Kaeser is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Puyallup, WA
Posts: 94
Default Re: Flopping a Full House, Slow play or Aggressive???

Well I think it depends a lot on the texture of the flop.

For example I have A-Q and the flop comes A-A-Q. Now my hand is very strong but there's not much to catch that will make my opponent fight for the pot. I mean even if he pairs up on the turn he still can't beat an ace. This is a situation where I'll bet out and hope the other ace is out there to raise me.

On the other hand if I have 5-5 and the board comes 5-2-2, that's a good hand to slow down on. If someone has an over pair they'll bet for you. Also there are many cards on the turn that can give someone a second best hand they'll pay you off with.

Keep in mind whether the flop is two-tone. Most low stakes players will call any reasonable bet with a flush draw.
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