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Old 12-20-2005, 04:01 AM
Cyrus Cyrus is offline
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Default My-Country-Right-Or-Wrong is dead

...or should be dead, in any case.

This is the 21st century. Unthinking Nationalism will not carry us very far. In fact, the abyss is just a few hot buttons away.

Yes, the United States of America is conducting (yet another) BAD WAR; this times in Iraq. The war in Iraq is a "bad war" on many accounts:

- Because the reasons given for the war by those who started it, turned out to have been all false, except one: that Saddam was the bad, bad wolf.

- Because the United States chose to ignore its allies and friends and go it alone, thus making the war against terrorism that much more difficult to conduct.

- Because it was a setback, in itself, to the war against islamic terror.

- Because the war was planned and executed by the political leadership, particularly the post-conquest, "nation-building" phase, badly and, most importantly, contrary to what the military was recommending.

This is a BAD WAR and America deserves to lose it.

[/b]So that a few lessons can be learned[/b]. Someone who firmly believes that he does not ever make mistakes is condemned to keep on doing 'em!
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