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Old 12-20-2005, 02:47 AM
TheCroShow TheCroShow is offline
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Location: Victoria, BC Canada
Posts: 114
Default Re: Most disgusting thing you\'ve ever seen someone do in a public rest

used to work as a janitor and walked into the men's bathroom (small bathroom, 1 urinal, 1 toilet stall) and nearly threw up when the smell hit me. some sick [censored] rubbed their [censored] all over the entire bathroom. it was everywhere, even on the ceiling! i showed my manager and it was in my job description (cue the "you had a [censored] job" jokes) so i had to clean it. made the mistake of trying to mask the smell with some air freshener, i think that made it worse.

not the most disgusting, but it bothers me when i'm in a public restroom and you hear some dude in the shitter starts talking, flushes, then walks out talking on his cell phone! can't it wait?? there is a time and place! come on man!
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