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Old 12-20-2005, 02:07 AM
spsurfin_Michael spsurfin_Michael is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 65
Default Re: Monday Night Football Schedule Change

Wow tonight was a bad night for me. I was card dead, tried to force some hands, and just could not connect tonight. The table was bitchy with too many players offering lessons, telling us how they would have played the hand, and justifying some really bad calls. It was like listening to fingernails on the chalkboard. I just could not get into the game—if they could have gotten a list, I would have left the table.

When Nichole sat down, she was fun and we shared some laughs. That made the last hour pleasant and Garland was really cool. I’m real glad I got to sit by him and talk.

Overall, I’m glad to be home, I just wish my pride came home with me. Sorry for the Donk plays—I was just trying to make something happen.
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