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Old 12-19-2005, 11:28 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: So I guess some people think symbols/posters should be banned.

I plead ignorance on the rebel flag.

My feeling is that the tone of the cactus image only contributes to the general desensitization of the masses where the events of WWII are involved. I have no designs on mod status and I'm all for freedom of speech, but if someone gave me that responsibility, I'd at least use it to make sure these forums didn't contribute to this kind of ignorance. I recognize that its a joke, but its walking a blurred line.

That said, I have to think some people are offended by some of the NSFW pics on this site, and once you start getting into censorship, a major cleanup/overhaul may be required. Even then, you won't keep all the people happy all the time. Tough call.

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