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Old 12-19-2005, 10:06 PM
RJT RJT is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 111
Default Re: \"Happy Holidays\" v. \"Merry Christmas\"

I always say Happy Holidays to people I know who are Jews or other non-Christians. To say Merry Christmas to such folk is a bit ridiculous, not to mention bad etiquette. (“Doingso” is similar to not addressing a Judge, Doctor, Officers in the Military, etc. by their titles.) There is nothing wrong in using it as a greeting though and of course using it to fellow Christians is appropriate.

But, the whole exclusion scenario is absurd. If the trend is to do away with the legal Holiday, then let’s do it. To have the Holiday and then try to ignore it is hypocritical. (In fact, I wouldn’t mind at all doing away the whole shebang. It has gotten way out of control. But, I run my own “businessso” I can take off work when I want.)

Btw, Holiday Tree is, as Jeff suggests, “moranic“.

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