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Old 12-19-2005, 07:49 PM
Bigdaddydvo Bigdaddydvo is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 231
Default Re: \"Happy Holidays\" v. \"Merry Christmas\"

Here's my main issue with "Happy Holidays."

It's bland. It's cliched. It's the Christmas equivalent of saying "Have a nice day." Hearing it every now and then is OK, and it never bothered me much in the past. What annoys me and most sensible people is the use of "Happy Holidays" to the exclusion of "Merry Christmas."

Christmas has both secular and religious components. If you celebrate the birth of Jesus whom I recognize as the Son of God and Messiah, great. If not, you probably at least celebrate the secular aspect of a gift exchange on the Federal Holiday designated to honor the founder of the Christian philosophy which has heavily influenced Western history and thought. If you don't partake in either, then you are in a pronounced minority and have as much business being "offended" by hearing someone greet you with "Merry Christmas" as I would taking offense to "Happy Ramadaan" in the middle of Saudi Arabia.
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