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Old 12-19-2005, 06:23 PM
Bork Bork is offline
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Default Re: Why did Jesus have to die?

I didn't say that. Sins do have to be punished. All sin without exception. You will pay for your own sins apart from faith in Christ. To all who believe, their sins were nailed to the cross with Jesus and paid for in full.

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Fair enough, however I don't see how my sins could be paid for by somebody else. It seems like the opposite of what is just and moral. If I murder a kid would it be just for somebody else to be punished in my place out of love for me? I think not, even if that somebody is God.

On top of this why does faith in Christ make it so one gets all of his sins paid for by Christ, but those without faith MUST pay themselves? How can a simple belief or non-belief allow us to defer our just punishment to somebody who was punished over 2000 years ago.

To me this just sounds like people trying to scare other people to follow their religion through threat of punishment, and the allure of not being morally responisble for the bad things we do as long as we have faith.

Take the example of two men, both live lives full of terrible sin the only difference is one near the end of his life has faith in what the bible says about jesus, the other does not. The first gets the best possible reward the second gets the worst possible punishment. Why should an apparently morally irrelevant faith swing ones treatment the maximum possible amount.

Do you think it is just for people that speed on the highway to be be burned at the stake? Obviously punishment and reward should be at least a bit proportial to the seriousness of the actions. This business of faith making all the difference completely contradicts this. Faith in jesus is not the best thing somebody can do and non-faith is far from the worst. Also it is questionable whether many can even choose to have faith.
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