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Old 12-19-2005, 04:45 PM
Vuron00 Vuron00 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 84
Default Re: I got someone at Absolute fired ( Microbob long)

I agree with the "fire the employee to make the custoemr shut up" line. Ive fired many of my coworkers and in turn they have fired me back as well. Its a game customer service plays with people so they will leave them alone. The real test would to send andrew or whatever his name is an email from a different address with a legitimate problem and see if he replies.

[/ QUOTE ]

I work for a very major company with thousands of customer service reps. If one of our reps responded like this in an email, they would be gone. It doesn't matter what the customer put in the previous emails, there is no excuse for any CSR to respond to a customer like this.

99% of our customer service is done on the phone. The CSR gets people cussing at them, threatening them, and other great things, but they are only allowed to hang up on them after warning them more than once and they better be able to prove that they did if they hang up.

Customer service reps are the only contact with a company that many customers ever have and those transactions become the basis of how customers view your company.

The guys deserved to be fired and probably was.
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